I have explored many of the tools listed in Thing 25 and chose to add clustrmaps, outbrain and clickcomments. Many of the tools are far more involved than I would like to be at this point, but it will be good to have them available for future reference. If I were working on a blog that had a more specific focus, I could see where many of them could be useful, particularly the social feed and poll creators. For the purposes of this blog, I chose not to put more time into it.
I have put some more time into exploring widgets and have added several. One that I added I have since deleted. I do not like the randomness of the pictures that appear with Flickr User Slideshow. I wasn't thrilled with some of the pictures and chose not to have them associated with my blog.
I have put approximately 2 hours into exploring these features, but plan to spend more at another time.
The End of the Things
15 years ago
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