I chose to set up an iGoogle homepage. I chose this because I already use several Google products so it just made sense to do so. It was very easy to set up and customize. I added many gadgets-too many actually. The page took forever to load because I had so many gadgets. I then went through and deleted those that didn't seem as interesting once they were actually on the page. It now loads much more efficiently.
Gadgets I am using include Quick gmail, Search You Tube, Flower of the day, Word of the day, Useless Knowledge, Live Weather, Google Calendar. One thing I really liked about the listing of Gadgets is the commentary people have supplied as to whether they like how the Gadget works-or doesn't. That saved having to try it and reject it myself if the review was too bad.
I don't have any gadget suggestions at this time.
The End of the Things
15 years ago
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