I have found a Toondoo that made me chuckle and posted it at the bottom of my blog. Then I created a very un-funny cartoon of my own and posted it also. (I've never had much for a sense of humor!) I tried the Excus-o-mat and think it would be fun on a teen page, but it has no practical value. I've created a funny with the lolcat generator at big huge labs, but it didn't post very well. It's very blurry. If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know. I think the airline sign generator (found through 1000 online generators) is fun, but I couldn't find a way to publish it once it was created.I may go back later and try to work more to help it post more clearly, but for now I must press on to finish 10 Things!
The End of the Things
15 years ago
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